

This is a safe space for us to better understand the LGBTQ family experience by reading, writing and sharing letters.
Thank You, Rainbow Letters

Thank You, Rainbow Letters

Dear Julia and Zach,

From the bottom of my heart, I would like to share my gratitude to you both for starting this project. By creating a space for children of LGBTQ to reflect on our experiences and be reminded that we are not alone, you have done us an incredible service. Growing up, I did not know anyone else who had LGBTQ parents. This caused me to feel isolated and fundamentally different than my peers. At times I even doubted the validity of my family altogether. It was difficult for me to be open and honest about my parents, because deep down I felt embarrassed, which in turn made me feel guilty. I tried to hide and avoid discussing my parents' sexualities, because I was terrified that people would make fun of me. As I now transition into adulthood, I recognize that I have come a long way, and that the process of writing reflective letters has been a part of that change. It's amazing to be a part of a project that has the opportunity to stop other people from experiencing the isolation that I felt. I am so grateful for all that you've done, and it is my ardent wish that these letters will benefit many others in the way that they have already benefited me.

Thank you,


The Path of Pro-Activism

The Path of Pro-Activism

Unconditional Amor

Unconditional Amor